One account,
All crypto exchanges.
- Bitcoin(BTC)$98,405.002.08%
- Ethereum(ETH)$3,267.411.91%
- XRP(XRP)$2.8611.02%
- Tether(USDT)$1.000.01%
- BNB(BNB)$700.160.57%
- Solana(SOL)$193.022.95%
- Dogecoin(DOGE)$0.3653774.54%
- USDC(USDC)$1.000.00%
- Cardano(ADA)$1.057.94%
- Lido Staked Ether(STETH)$3,260.931.80%
Seamless trade
Real-time data
Stay ahead of the curve with real-time prices, trading volumes and order book depths. Make informed decisions based on accurate and timely information and never miss an opportunity.
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Track your holdings, monitor performance, and get personalized insights. Stay diversified with automatic rebalancing and get recommendations based on your investment goals.
Advanced trading tools
Take your trading to the next level with our suite of advanced tools. Take advantage of advanced charts, technical indicators, and customizable trading strategies. Execute precise trades with limit orders, stop-loss orders, and more.
Arbitrage Arbitrage opportunities
Use our advanced exchange aggregation technology to identify and exploit price differences across multiple exchanges. Seamlessly execute arbitrage trades to take advantage of market inefficiencies and increase your profits.
Enjoy the benefits of trading with multiple exchanges under a single account.
Multiply the reach of your capital: instant trade execution across leading exchanges.
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Diagram & Trade
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Drag & Drop Order
Edit or cancel open orders with one click directly from the chart.
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